Breathing seems to be a natural action: we inhale, exhale, and continue. Without any conscious effort, we complete over 23,000 breaths daily. But is there a more optimal way to breathe? Scientific research says yes.

The Science Behind Breathlace: Why Choose Our Solution?

At Bystana, our mission is to offer a science-based method to help overcome tobacco addiction. Inspired by the principles of controlled breathing used in ancient practices, Breathlace is designed to help you manage stress, anxiety, and nicotine cravings naturally and effectively.

Scientific Foundations

Controlled breathing, at the heart of the Breathlace method, is a proven technique to reduce stress and anxiety. Scientific studies have shown that slowing down your breathing can have a direct impact on your parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a state of calm and reducing the urge to smoke.

Mechanism of Action

Breathlace employs a specific design that limits airflow, encouraging you to take deep, measured breaths. This practice of deep breathing helps activate the body's relaxation response, naturally diminishing feelings of stress and anxiety that can lead to smoking cravings.

Health Benefits

Beyond its benefits for stress and anxiety management, controlled breathing can also improve concentration, lower blood pressure, and enhance blood oxygenation. These positive effects support your body and mind in the smoking cessation process, offering a healthy alternative to nicotine.

Why Breathlace?

Choosing Breathlace means opting for a scientifically validated approach to reduce your tobacco dependence. Without resorting to nicotine substitutes or aromatherapy, Breathlace offers you a powerful and natural tool to regain control of your health and well-being.

Join the Bystana community and discover how Breathlace can transform your journey to a smoke-free life, supported by the science of controlled breathing.

Bystana transforms smoking cessation by merging gesture with deep breathing, effectively relieving stress and addiction.

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